Where Everybody Knows Your Name
Webb Road is the first street I come to if I leave my front door and head west. However, I decided to jog up to the corner of Webb Road and Detroit first and then basically walk back home.
On the northwest corner of that intersection is my friendly neighborhood dry cleaner. The owner of New Westlake Cleaners has an amazing talent. Every time I enter the front door he immediately remembers my FIRST and LAST name. He writes down Michael Daso on the receipt and logs my inventory. It doesn’t matter if it has been one week or one year since I entered his shop – he still remembers. He then asks how my kids are doing and even remembers where they are at college. I finally learned his name (Steve) out of respect for his ability, and even took the time to learn a bit about his family. I think people like this are incredible!
As I was walking north down Webb Road, I came to Webb Park near the railroad tracks. I decided to take a detour into the park. It was there that I found a huge community garden. It is located between the playground and the tennis courts, and was filled with ripe produce ready to harvest. There were also many sections of flowers to enjoy. This is definitely land put to good use.
Webb Road then continues all the way to Lake Erie. There is a really nice green space where it meets up with the lake. There are two benches overlooking the cliff and a few modern looking light fixtures. There is even a Little Free Library nearby. If you want to have a relaxing evening, stop by the library to grab a book and spend an hour on one of the benches.