Bowler or Dancer?
Westwood is kind of like a middle child. There are three sections of one continuous street that runs all the way from Lake Erie to Delaware Avenue near the highway. The northern section from Lake Erie to Detroit is called Summit, and the southern section from Madison to Delaware is called Morrison. Westwood is the middle section, and I finally walked it today as my 199th street.
Every street is a new adventure, and today Westwood provided the opportunity for me to cross from one side of the street to the other 20 or so times. Sections of the sidewalk were being replaced, and I had to cross to avoid either the empty pits waiting to be filled, or the sections of wet cement. I must admit I was a bit tempted to grab a stick and etch an “A to Z” on one of the fresh sidewalk sections.
Over the last couple of weeks people have been asking me what I am going to do when I am finished with this challenge. I was thinking about that when I crossed Hilliard and walked up the slope to Madison at the end of Westwood. It was there that I passed Madison Lanes and Dance Lakewood. Both of these businesses reminded me of skills I have always wanted to develop.
Our family goes bowling around New Years Eve every year and I have always wanted to be able to curve the ball into the pocket like a “real” bowler. I have have a hidden desire to take a hip-hop dance class and then surprise my family at the next wedding ceremony with my Cool Dad Dance Moves. If you are reading this blog feel free to post your vote for me on social media and the majority will rule!